A list of topics that can be found on this site.
Landing a shuttle on Moon with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Use Deep Q Learning to land a shuttle
Logistic Regression from scratch
Implementing Logistic Regression from scratch in python
Music Genre Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network
Using Convolutional Neural Network to predict a song's genre
An introduction to Z-statistic and its use in hypothesis testing.
Hypothesis Testing
An introduction to concept of hypothesis testing.
Variance and Bias
An introduction to Variance and Bias, and how it affects the reducible error in models
Parametric Vs Non-parametric Models
A discussion on parametric and non-parametric models and when to use one over the other
Data Science - Thought Process
How to come up with ideas for feature engineering and thought process for decision making during data modelling
Simple is good
In this introductory post I will talk about why I believe in starting out with simple things first is a good idea